XXV International Masterclass of RAINA KABAIVANSKA
XXV International Masterclass of RAINA KABAIVANSKA
Sofia Opera and Ballet
The Master Class is а part of the Calendar of cultural events of Sofia Municipality for 2025.
Aplication deadline: May 31, 2025
Announcement of semifinalists: July 31, 2025
Audition: September 4, 2025
Gala concert: September 17, 2025
Master Class
In her Master Class Raina Kabaivanska works on improving the vocal technique and actor’s interpretation of the participants in pieces chosen by themselves. The most successful graduates perform in a Gala concert with the orchestra of Sofia Opera and Ballet. The participants with the best achievements during the Master Class and the Gala concert are awarded scholarships from Raina Kabaivanska Fund at NBU for further training in Italy. Prominent participants in the Master Class will also have the opportunity to participate in performances of Sofia Opera and Ballet, in concerts with Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra etc.
Application requirements and guidelines for the participants
√ Eligible applicants are singers up to the age of 32 with completed musical education or students at conservatories, musical academies and universities;
√ Completed application forms could be submitted online on the official website of Raina Kabaivanska
√ Application deadline: May 31, 2025
√ Announcement of semifinalists: July 31, 2025
√ The application process for the Master Class consists of:
- Pre-selection based on submitted documents and
- Audition in two rounds.
How to Apply:
- Fill in the application form: HERE.
- Attach a professional biography and CV (Word or PDF format, text up to 1 page).
- Upload a portrait photo (minimum 1MB, minimum size 4×6 inches, resolution 300 dpi, JPEG format).
- Upload video recordings of your performances of two opera arias of your choice in the designated section of the form. Requirements for the video recordings:
- Only high-quality and recent video recordings (from 2024 or 2025) will be accepted.
- The opera arias should be from two different titles.
- The arias should be performed in the original language.
- Accepted accompaniment – only live piano or orchestra. Recorded orchestra (“karaoke” accompaniment) will not be accepted.
- Only two opera arias will be accepted.
Important: We recommend submitting your application form before the deadline (May 31, 2025), since the system may be overloaded at the last minute and it is possible the applications not to be recieved.
Competitive Audition – First Round
- A pre-selection jury, chaired by Raina Kabaivanska, will review and listen to all submitted recordings and select 20 to 30 semifinalists for the second round – the live audition.
- Selected participants will be announced on the official website and on social media by July 31, 2025.
Competitive Audition – Second Round
- The live audition of the selected semifinalists will take place on September 4, 2025, at Sofia Opera and Ballet House.
- The semifinalists should prepare five arias for the live audition.
- The audition will be conducted personally by Raina Kabaivanska, who will select ten finalists for active participants in the XXV International Master Class.
The finalists will have the opportunity to be awarded scholarships for training with Raina Kabaivanska in Italy and Bulgaria and to perform in a Gala Concert accompanied by the Orchestra of Sofia Opera.
Participants will be supported by rehearsal pianists and an Italian language teacher.
Application and participation fees:
√ Competitive Audition – Second Round: 25 euro
√ Active participants: 150 euro
√ Course attendants: 75 euro
Application form for the Audition for the Master Class: HERE
For additional information:
Facebook: Raina Kabaivanska School
Instagram: raina_kabaivanska_school
Phone number: +35928110411